
Blog Posts

Three Fastest Paths to Discovering a Captivating Brand Name

Prospective customers tend to ask themselves a question when they’re about to purchase a product or use a company’s service. “Why should I get this brand and not the other?”. This is because individuals naturally look for convincing reasons or rely on their emotions to decide on doing something. And

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What Is The Term Of a United States Patent?

A U.S. patent gives to a patent owner a right to exclude others from making, using, selling or importing an invention covered by the patent for a limited time defined by the “term” of the U.S. patent.  The U.S. government grants this limited monopoly in a “bargain” for full disclosure

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Hand signing business paperwork.

How Long Does It Take to Get a Trademark Registered?

It’s important for every business, no matter its size, to protect its intellectual property through the use of trademarks. Without the legal protection your business receives from establishing common law trademark rights or from registering its trademarks, such as the logos, symbols, signs, and expressions connected to the business, there

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Young man working on laptop and young man building invention.

5 Reasons to Patent Your Technology Invention

Technology is now growing at an exponential rate, making this an incredible time to be alive. Moore’s law, the principle that the speed of computers will double every two years due to increases in the number of transistors microchips contain, has remained true. This has spurred growth in other areas

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Businessman and two businesswomen looking at a computer screen.

What Does a Software Patent Attorney Do?

Products and service in our modern economy increasingly rely on creations in software.  Software development is no longer limited to a handful of industries in just a few locations, and has expanded to practically every industry and location across the globe.  If you are in the software development community you

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Stack of folders on desk with "Confidential" stamped on front.

What Is a Trade Secret? How Do I Protect It in Austin?

What is a trade secret? The phrase conjures up images of dark-suited men wearing sunglasses carrying briefcases filled with key corporate information, or perhaps of Tom Cruise dangling from a rope hacking into a laptop in a room full of lasers. In real life, business trade secrets aren’t usually this

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